Bug in Air

Bug in Air

Monday, September 19, 2011

1 Month Down, 23 To Go

First off, I am so sorry to my active followers for the super long delay on this update! Rayleigh has been keeping me very busy with her diet and physical therapies!

All of that aside, Rayleigh is doing great. The first few weeks on the diet were very up and down with results and consistency. After those weeks she went 7 days without a seizure and then she started having them once every 3 days. While disappointed that they had started getting more frequent we were still happy for her to get a couple days of break between a day with a seizure. So she had gone from 1-2 seizures every day to 1 every 3 days. Improvement but not completely controlled.

We currently stand at 1 seizure a week. We went 6 days seizure-free and then had a seizure on Monday at 5:30am and then we went 6 days seizure-free and she had one this morning (Monday at 3:30am). 2 seizures in 2 weeks is waaayy better than 1-2 every day.

The best part is that she just seems happier. She's starting to show more of a personality than ever. Baby steps is the key here and I think we are making them. Hopefully within a year or two I will mean literal baby steps but for now I mean small strides towards a big goal.

Bug's seizures still only happen during sleep. She wakes up, has a blank stare, tenses up with arms extended out, makes a grunting noise as the lungs contract and then draws her arms to her body and stays tense and labored breathing for about a minute before she relaxes fully.

So this Ketogenic Diet definitely seems to be doing some good and helping out a great deal! We will be talking with her pediatric neurologist this week to see if we can start weaning her Trileptal off so that she is just taking the Clobazam while on the diet. If we get better seizure control on the diet we could take the Clobazam off as well!

Rayleigh's development is slowly improving but I doubt we will see any major changes until we get consistent seizure control. Once that happens her brain will really be able to maintain what she learns through therapies and further interest and improve eyesight! Lots of goals for one little girl but we will never give up on her!

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