Bug in Air

Bug in Air

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Overdue Update

Well, I thought I'd take a few minutes out of my day to do a quick update on Rayleigh Bug and her diet.

She is 7 weeks seizure free!!

It's so wonderful! I can't help but constantly smile!

Her development is still pretty much the same but she is making improvements. Her neck strength is probably the biggest thing we've noticed in the last couple of weeks. She can also sit for 10-15 seconds independently and sometimes tries to catch herself when she starts falling. We've also noticed that when she's doing tummy time that sometimes she will scoot her bottom up under her like she's starting to get in the crawling position.

She also had an eye appointment with Dr. Mike Siatowski. He's a local neuro-opthomologist and Rayleigh first saw him 6 months ago and he prescribed her glasses and diagnosed her with Cortical Visual Impairment. Basically it means that her eye development is moving much slower than that of a normal child but will improve and work at it over time. So last week Dr. Mike said that she is on a good timeline and he sees minor improvements. He said she's doing well and he expects her to have full vision recovery between 4-6 years. She's goes back in 6 months to do a full examination and dilate her eyes to check her prescription. Oh, and he said that the seizure control could speed up the timeline but it still won't make it an overnight change.

She's doing really well! This week our big challenge is to get her back on routine. She's going back to taking 2 naps a day - 1 after PT and a longer nap in the afternoon. I think that's part of the reason that she doesn't go to bed until 10:30p or later!

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