Bug in Air

Bug in Air

Monday, June 18, 2012

Catch Up Post

Wow. I cannot believe it has been over a month since I've posted anything. Not many new things have been happening for me to post about, I suppose.

Well, that's not entirely true. We've made some changes. Bug is still on a 4:1 ratio on the Ketogenic Diet and trying new foods all of the time! She's still such a good eater! Bug is also still on the same dose of Clobozam, 1 pill 3 times a day. The change is that we added Vimpat about a month ago and then raised the dose of it about 2 weeks after starting it and that's when we started seeing improvements. The head drops decreased. But she has been having partial seizures.

A partial seizure happens in a specific side of the brain (left side for Bug), the body generally tenses up, arms will extend with clutched hands, legs will extend with curled toes and face will redden. Bug breaths well the entire time for most of these seizures, she also looks off to the left side with her eyes and occasionally smacks her lips throughout the seizure. Hers only last 15-45 seconds, and sometimes it's less than 10 seconds.

While a partial seizure isn't as harmful on the brain as infantile or epileptic spasms, it is still scary and definitely something we want to fully control. Infantile or epileptic spasms can be worse because they cause a lot spike and slowing activity in the background of the brain along with spike activity during the actual spasm. With partial seizures, her brain activity is more normal between seizures allowing for more development.

That being said, we still have not made many new milestones. She can now take the sippy cup to her mouth from the tray on the highchair if we put her hands on it. And she will take it to her mouth when you put the cup in her mouth while she's propped up or being held every time. She's still arching and resisting the sitting position, we're getting Theratogs that might help (that will surely be it's own post). And she doesn't have the same muscle tone in her legs that she used to. Bug outgrew her Jumperoo and her walker over a month ago and the Lecky Squiggles stander that we ordered is still not in. So the only standing she's getting done is when we hold her up and at 27.6 lbs we can't hold her very long but we're working on it!

We just increased her Vimpat again on Wednesday because she was still having 2-4 partial seizures a day. Before raising the levels (a week before, actually) we took her up to get her blood drawn so labs could check her Vimpat levels.

Her level was low + continued partial seizures = raising the dose.

So, the worse part about raising Vimpat is this: Every time we raise the dose we go through a rough couple of weeks. There are side effects with all medicines that affect children differently so this is just our experience.

Week 1 of the raised dose comes with insomnia. Insomnia comes with crankiness and both of those lead to more seizures. It's bizarre that she has more seizures when we raise a medicine that is meant to control seizures.

Week 2 of the raised dose involves drowsiness and irritability. The drowsiness only really becomes a problem for her physical and occupational therapies, all she wants to do that week is sleep through them all. The irritability is pretty bad though, she acts like a full on 16 year old girl and it seems like nothing I do makes her happy. But the week after those 2 are over things really settle down and we get the chance to see how the new dose is acting. So give me 2 weeks before I report any change on that :) Hopefully I'll have good news to share!


  1. Occupational Therapy (OT) helps people maximize their ability to participate in life. Visit this website for more info.

  2. My son is diagnosed with partial seizures at the age of 8 years old. During this time, he has only a few hours of sleep over a three-day period. Doctor prescribe him trileptal, usually fine for the most part.
