Family members have been calling to check on Bug and have told me that they noticed I haven't updated the blog in a while and they were just making sure everything is ok. I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. It's just that nothing really big has happened since my last post... or maybe too many things are on my mind and I'm not sure how to put it all into words.
Either way, this will be a quick post (mostly because it's after midnight, I've been working on my CutieBug party decorations since Bug went to bed and I'm exhausted).
Bug is eating well since we quit the Keto Diet but she has not gained any weight back yet so I'm getting creative and adding carbs and calories anywhere I can - like adding sour cream and butter to her mashed potatoes and things like that. Hopefully it works soon. She has a visit with her pediatrician on Monday so we'll see where she's at on the arch and go from there. May have to start including calorie supplements to her foods.
Rayleigh had a bad couple of days of increased seizures last weekend then they went back down for a few days then she had a fever, most likely from teething, and that brought on a whole new round of increased seizures and sleepy baby starting Wednesday night. We went around and around with her neuros to get something done about the drastic increase of seizures. The answer we finally received was to increase her dose of Clonozopam/Klonopin. This is an emergency medicine we use to control her activity on seizure-frequent days but we hadn't changed the dose in over a year so the small dose was having no effect on her. So we raised the dose of the pill and she is to take 3 pills a day for 2 days then wean it off slowly after that.
It helped yesterday and today but tonight she had 4 small seizures while she was trying to fall asleep and it's just so frustrating and saddening. At least her fever has been gone for over 24 hours and we can focus on controlling these seizures now. We'll keep working with the doctors to get these back under control and I'll keep you posted.
We are strongly considering the Vagus Nerve Stimulator (VNS) treatment for Rayleigh. I'll do a post on that soon with all the information about it.
Sorry I don't have better news but hopefully we're moving in the right direction.
So goodnight and good-bye for now.
Bug in Air

Saturday, October 27, 2012
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Quitting Keto
Bug has officially been off the Ketogenic Diet for 5 full days. We are having a lot of fun exploring new foods with her and seeing her likes and dislikes. Really though, there are very few dislikes!
It was really crazy when the pediatric epileptologist told us last week to quit the Keto Diet. He said that she didn't need to wean since we were already at a 3.25:1 ratio. He said to just start feeding her normal toddler foods. And my immediate response was, "What in the world do I feed her?!?? I haven't fed a toddler anything but heavy cream, butter and tiny amounts of carbs and proteins - and it's all weighed!" haha! Well, we figured it and...
I am very happy to report that Bug has been eating so much better since we quit the diet. We have also been able to stop all anti-acids and Miralax! And it's not just the eating that has improved, it's her whole mood!! She is happy so much more of the day than she was a couple of weeks ago. We used to have a "fussy time" with Bug every night starting around 6p and not ending until at least 8:30p, but the last 3 days she only fussed from 6:30-7p and then today we had NO fussy time!! She has been just amazing!
Now, I don't know if we can give all the credit to getting her off the diet, we did also lower her Lamictal a little over a week ago and that was already showing improvement in her mood and mildly in her eating. And at her visit with the pediatric epileptologist last Tuesday he advised us to go up on Bug's Vimpat to 1 pill in the morning and stay at 1/2 pill at night after we were off the diet for 5 days so we started that today. He doesn't like to do several things at once so that we can know what's doing what. So we raised the Vimpat this morning. No change noted except NO FUSSY TIME!! :)
So back to the topic of quitting Keto. We came home from the doctor's appointment and I made Bug a lunch of deli turkey and provolone cheese all chopped up, peanut butter Cheerios, carrot tomato baby food, and applesauce with berries. She loved it all and had a happy plate. (aka clean plate, empty plate, you get it - she ate every bite!! hehe)
Some of her new favorites are YoToddler yogurts, oatmeal, Earth's Best Chicken Tenders and Stars pasta baby food, hot dog, and peaches in syrup. In fact, I would say that right now those little cups of diced peaches in syrup are her current favorite thing!
So we'll keep exploring and we're just so happy with how well she transitioned to basic eating AND how much better her eating and her mood have been since quitting Keto. We gave the Keto Diet a good, long run but it just got to a point where it was doing more harm than good (in the doctor's words) so we put an end to it. I think we can all agree that it was the right choice for Buggie!
Bug's current medications:
Clobazam/Onfi, 10mg- 3 times a day
Lamictal/Lamatragine, 25mg- 2 pills morning, 3 pills at night
Vimpat, 50 mg- 1 pill morning, 1/2 pill at night
Quit the Ketogenic Diet
Bug's current seizure control:
She is having 2-4 seizures a day. One is usually early in the morning, then maybe one in the afternoon, and then one or more at bedtime. The seizures are small tonic seizures that tense her up and her body curls in. She is breathing pretty well during the whole seizure and they have been no longer than 90 seconds, most under 40 seconds.
It was really crazy when the pediatric epileptologist told us last week to quit the Keto Diet. He said that she didn't need to wean since we were already at a 3.25:1 ratio. He said to just start feeding her normal toddler foods. And my immediate response was, "What in the world do I feed her?!?? I haven't fed a toddler anything but heavy cream, butter and tiny amounts of carbs and proteins - and it's all weighed!" haha! Well, we figured it and...
I am very happy to report that Bug has been eating so much better since we quit the diet. We have also been able to stop all anti-acids and Miralax! And it's not just the eating that has improved, it's her whole mood!! She is happy so much more of the day than she was a couple of weeks ago. We used to have a "fussy time" with Bug every night starting around 6p and not ending until at least 8:30p, but the last 3 days she only fussed from 6:30-7p and then today we had NO fussy time!! She has been just amazing!
Now, I don't know if we can give all the credit to getting her off the diet, we did also lower her Lamictal a little over a week ago and that was already showing improvement in her mood and mildly in her eating. And at her visit with the pediatric epileptologist last Tuesday he advised us to go up on Bug's Vimpat to 1 pill in the morning and stay at 1/2 pill at night after we were off the diet for 5 days so we started that today. He doesn't like to do several things at once so that we can know what's doing what. So we raised the Vimpat this morning. No change noted except NO FUSSY TIME!! :)
So back to the topic of quitting Keto. We came home from the doctor's appointment and I made Bug a lunch of deli turkey and provolone cheese all chopped up, peanut butter Cheerios, carrot tomato baby food, and applesauce with berries. She loved it all and had a happy plate. (aka clean plate, empty plate, you get it - she ate every bite!! hehe)
Some of her new favorites are YoToddler yogurts, oatmeal, Earth's Best Chicken Tenders and Stars pasta baby food, hot dog, and peaches in syrup. In fact, I would say that right now those little cups of diced peaches in syrup are her current favorite thing!
So we'll keep exploring and we're just so happy with how well she transitioned to basic eating AND how much better her eating and her mood have been since quitting Keto. We gave the Keto Diet a good, long run but it just got to a point where it was doing more harm than good (in the doctor's words) so we put an end to it. I think we can all agree that it was the right choice for Buggie!
Bug's current medications:
Clobazam/Onfi, 10mg- 3 times a day
Lamictal/Lamatragine, 25mg- 2 pills morning, 3 pills at night
Vimpat, 50 mg- 1 pill morning, 1/2 pill at night
Quit the Ketogenic Diet
Bug's current seizure control:
She is having 2-4 seizures a day. One is usually early in the morning, then maybe one in the afternoon, and then one or more at bedtime. The seizures are small tonic seizures that tense her up and her body curls in. She is breathing pretty well during the whole seizure and they have been no longer than 90 seconds, most under 40 seconds.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
The Results Are In!
I won't leave you hanging
Rayleigh received a diagnosis today.
She has CDKL5.
Now I'll start at the beginning of today's doctor appointment.
Bug had a appointment today with her pediatric epileptologist and the genetic team he works with. This was a routine visit but we would be discussing the genetic disorder CDKL5. We assumed we would have to redraw Bug's blood to redo the test because the results were still not in.
We saw the genetics team first and they went over her medical history since her last genetics visit which was over a year ago. Then they asked about the CDKL5 results and we explained to them how we had been calling the neuro office and the lap weekly for the results. We went into all the details that I wrote about in this blog post... and this post. The geneticist sent out a member of his team to call the lab that her blood was sent to directly. When she returned she said that they just finished the test yesterday and they are faxing the results over RIGHT NOW! I was shocked and I'm pretty sure Michael's jaw hit the floor. Definitely not the news we expected!
While waiting for the results to arrive we went ahead and saw the epileptologist. He said that we need to come up with a new plan of action on Bug's treatment because his goal, no matter what the results, is to get Bug to zero seizures and zero side effects - a high goal but he wants to get as close to achieving it as we can! He advised us to go ahead and get Rayleigh Bug off the Ketogenic Diet. He believes (as do we) that it is now doing more harm than good. Obviously her seizures aren't controlled and on the diet her reflux and other tummy issues are off the charts. I'll do a separate post on quitting the Keto Diet.
The epileptologist also wants us to go up on the Vimpat, a week after getting off the diet, and stay at the current, lower Lamictal dose. Bug is doing better with the lower Lamictal - taking naps more, much happier through the day, and eating well!
Then he excused himself for a few minutes to check with genetics on the results of her test.
When he returned he was accompanied by the entire genetics team. They wasted no time in telling us that the results are in and she does have the genetic mutation. A member of the team handed me the following paper:
The final report was done yesterday, October 1, 2012, and the mutation on CDKL5 is on her p.Q347X. I will do a seperate blog post on the specifics of CDKL5. In short, it is a genetic disorder that presents seizures and severe developmental/cognitive delays that usually start within the first year of life. The seizures are generally difficult to control and there is currently no treatment or cure.
For more information visit the International Foundation for CDKL5 Page.
This news was not surprising to us. I think we've known, or felt, that this is what Rayleigh has since the day months ago that a dear friend let us know that their daughter was diagnosed with CDKL5.
I've been a part of the CDKL5 group on Facebook since we started raising money to have this test done and I have felt like family from day one of joining but now I know my baby Bug belongs to that group.
The geneticists and epileptologist were all impressed at how well we took the news and how knowledgeable we were about CDKL5 and what the diagnosis means. It's reassuring to know that Rayleigh has such an amazing group of people that love her and care for her and know just how amazing and strong she truly is.
I got a little emotional after the group of doctors left the room to gather papers for us. Not because Bug has CDKL5. But because this has been such a trying journey and now we have our answer. All the testing, all the questioning, all the insurance crap, we have a diagnosis. We have our answer.
They call those that are diagnosed with CDKL5 "angels" and I think we can all agree that Bug is just another sweet angel.
Rayleigh received a diagnosis today.
She has CDKL5.
Now I'll start at the beginning of today's doctor appointment.
Bug had a appointment today with her pediatric epileptologist and the genetic team he works with. This was a routine visit but we would be discussing the genetic disorder CDKL5. We assumed we would have to redraw Bug's blood to redo the test because the results were still not in.
We saw the genetics team first and they went over her medical history since her last genetics visit which was over a year ago. Then they asked about the CDKL5 results and we explained to them how we had been calling the neuro office and the lap weekly for the results. We went into all the details that I wrote about in this blog post... and this post. The geneticist sent out a member of his team to call the lab that her blood was sent to directly. When she returned she said that they just finished the test yesterday and they are faxing the results over RIGHT NOW! I was shocked and I'm pretty sure Michael's jaw hit the floor. Definitely not the news we expected!
While waiting for the results to arrive we went ahead and saw the epileptologist. He said that we need to come up with a new plan of action on Bug's treatment because his goal, no matter what the results, is to get Bug to zero seizures and zero side effects - a high goal but he wants to get as close to achieving it as we can! He advised us to go ahead and get Rayleigh Bug off the Ketogenic Diet. He believes (as do we) that it is now doing more harm than good. Obviously her seizures aren't controlled and on the diet her reflux and other tummy issues are off the charts. I'll do a separate post on quitting the Keto Diet.
The epileptologist also wants us to go up on the Vimpat, a week after getting off the diet, and stay at the current, lower Lamictal dose. Bug is doing better with the lower Lamictal - taking naps more, much happier through the day, and eating well!
Then he excused himself for a few minutes to check with genetics on the results of her test.
When he returned he was accompanied by the entire genetics team. They wasted no time in telling us that the results are in and she does have the genetic mutation. A member of the team handed me the following paper:
The final report was done yesterday, October 1, 2012, and the mutation on CDKL5 is on her p.Q347X. I will do a seperate blog post on the specifics of CDKL5. In short, it is a genetic disorder that presents seizures and severe developmental/cognitive delays that usually start within the first year of life. The seizures are generally difficult to control and there is currently no treatment or cure.
For more information visit the International Foundation for CDKL5 Page.
This news was not surprising to us. I think we've known, or felt, that this is what Rayleigh has since the day months ago that a dear friend let us know that their daughter was diagnosed with CDKL5.
I've been a part of the CDKL5 group on Facebook since we started raising money to have this test done and I have felt like family from day one of joining but now I know my baby Bug belongs to that group.
The geneticists and epileptologist were all impressed at how well we took the news and how knowledgeable we were about CDKL5 and what the diagnosis means. It's reassuring to know that Rayleigh has such an amazing group of people that love her and care for her and know just how amazing and strong she truly is.
I got a little emotional after the group of doctors left the room to gather papers for us. Not because Bug has CDKL5. But because this has been such a trying journey and now we have our answer. All the testing, all the questioning, all the insurance crap, we have a diagnosis. We have our answer.
They call those that are diagnosed with CDKL5 "angels" and I think we can all agree that Bug is just another sweet angel.
2 year old,
cognitive delays,
developmental delays,
ketogenic diet,
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