Bug in Air

Bug in Air

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

I've Been... Busy.

I know, many think that is a lame excuse. Heck, I used to think so, too. But is absolutely the truth. 

I think all moms, whether they are special needs moms, stay at home moms, working moms, moms of 7 boys or moms of 1 precious little girl, are always doing something. No, make that women in general. I saw last week on The Doctors that women are less likely to make time to do hobbies, take a bubble bath, or relax in front of the television because women feel the constant need to accomplish something to get ahead, to tick off the checklist. I don't know for sure if every women feels that but I can tell you that that describes me.

For me, there is rarely "spare time". From the moment I wake up I am taking care of something. Today was a treat, I enjoyed lunch and a quick shopping trip with my sister-in-law. It was much needed! But most days, when I drop Bug off at school I head to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription, or go buy baby food, call doctors or insurance companies, or come home and work on CutieBug party decorations. I will admit, my life is very routine. That's the way we need it. I don't think anything would get done if it wasn't so routine, so predictable.

Anyway, my biggest excuse is that if I have time to sit down and write a blog post then I should use that time to work on party decorations, or do some in-home therapy with Bugaboo. So, I compromised. I have Buggie snuggled up in the blanket on the couch next to me while I do this post before her dinner.

So here's a quick breakdown of the recent months: Bug's seizures are not controlled. She is having anywhere from 5-15 a day. It really varies. In the last week she hasn't had more than 10 a day. We did a VNS adjustment last month, same strength but pulsing more often. That helped a little but not a lot so almost 3 weeks ago we increased her Vimpat medicine by a half a pill. She went through her usual adjustment period, still kind of going through it actually, messed up sleeping pattern, random-seeming mood swings, all that jazz. But the seizures are going down so we will stick with it a bit longer and see what's really going on. 

I'll try and post again shortly. I'll just add it into my routine ;) 

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