Almost at the end of March we had fully weaned Bug off of Sabril. Her head drops picked back up but for a week that was really the only change we noticed - other than a few sleepness nights to go through! Then a week later we were driving home from the grocery store and I look back at Bug who got very quiet only to see that she was in a full on partial seizure. Body curled in, not moving an inch, face bright red and labored breathing. My heart sank and I immediately pulled into the first place on the side of the road, jumped out of the car and back to my Bug. It was over in about a minute but it sure did feel like an hour.
Her neurologist told us at her last visit that the next medicine she would start would be Vimpat as suggested by the pediatric epileptologist. He said that we would give it a bit of time after weaning the Sabril before starting it but if her seizures picked up or got worse to let him know and we'd start Vimpat earlier.
So as soon as I got Bug safe and home I called the neuro. His nurse put in a note for him to get us the prescription but he had already left the office for the day so it wouldn't be available until the next morning. That same night, she had a second partial seizure, not as long or severe as the one earlier in the day but still noteworthy so we called the on-call neuro and they sent over a "starter" prescription for Vimpat. They could only do this because the neuro put in his notes the dose he would like to start Bug at for the first week on Vimpat so that's all the prescription was for, 1 week of the 1/2 dose prescription. It was enough, the pharmacy was still open and it was in stock so we were able to start it that night.
That was the last partial seizure she's had. Got her up to her full prescription of Vimpat from her neuro a week after starting the medicine. We've got her ketones as high as they will go so that's helping with the drop seizures but she's still having a few clusters of 2-3 a day.
Then this week Bug has had a drop seizure that turns into a 20 second deal where she's smacking her lips and slightly rolling her eyes. Not sure if this is just a worse head drop seizure, something with her infantile spasms or maybe a small partial seizure. She has an EEG coming up on Friday that will give us a little clarification on that, follow up appointment with the neuro the following week.
Bug in her gait trainer (walker) in March, post to come :) |