Bug in Air

Bug in Air

Friday, September 14, 2012

No Results But a Few Changes

That's right, we STILL don't have the results. I am still one very frustrated mama and just wait, it gets worse.

So I've still been calling the epileptologist's office weekly to check on the results but they have no updated status for me. So the nurse called the labs and said she still has no update for me. Then last week she said that she spoke to the epileptologist and he said that if we do not have the results of the genetic test by October 2nd (Bug's next appointment with him) then we will re-draw the blood and send it out all over again. UGH!

So it sounds like her blood is MIA.

To be clear, the nurse said that the re-draw will be at no cost because this was not our mistake. Obviously. There is no way we can pay that all over again, we went through lots to get enough money to do it in the first place! (Thanks again to everyone who helped!!)

In other news, Bug has really not eating well. She takes the first few bites of a meal and then starts crying, whining, spitting, choking, using her hands to push us/the spoon away and using her tongue to push food out of her mouth.

Bug is on the 3.25:1 ratio (lowered again since last post) and her ketones are still high 160 but she still has to take 2 Prevacids a day to keep the reflux controlled or she vomits. I'm really not happy about her having to take 2 Prevacids so I'm going to see if we can keep lowering the diet ratio.

We have an appointment Monday with her pediatrician to talk about her eating habit and discuss the option of the G-Tube. I've been doing a lot of research on G-Tube recently and I'm not too excited about the idea but if it's what Bug needs to get nutrients and stop losing weight then it's what we'll have to do.

I'll do a post after her appointment to let you know what we talk about and what we can do to get her eating again.

Bug's current medications & control:

  • Ketogenic Diet 3.52:1 ratio
  • Onfi/Clobazam, 10mg: 1 pill 3 times a day
  • Lamictal, 25mg: 3 pills twice a day - just started this dose today, full dose
Bug's seizures have gone from 4-5 a day to 1-3 a day, so a small improvement. They continue to happen mostly at night after she falls asleep. Bug is still not taking naps. She has been very irritable the last week, could be from the diet ratio change or the tummy problems. She just cut a molar and has one more to go but it doesn't even feel close so we're just waiting on pins and needles for that little monster to start bugging our Bug and pushing through.

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