Bug in Air

Bug in Air

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Surgery & Healing

Rayleigh Bug's surgery to get the Vagus Nerve Stimulator (VNS) put in was on Thursday. We were to check in at 5:30a and the surgery would start at 7:15a. Of course, Miss Bug thought it would be a great idea to start the day at 2:30a! So, needless to say, we were dragging our feet to the hospital at 5:30!

We arrive and check in and shortly after that they take us back to the "holding room" where they explain how the day will go and we get Bug's gown on her. Dr. Yaun, the neurosurgeon, came back to let us know what to expect and answer any last minute questions and then the anesthesiologist came in to do the same.

After an hour in that room it's time to take her back and start anesthesia. She had fallen asleep in the holding room so they expected no issues at all getting anesthesia to her. They would do it through a breathing mask which she tolerated very well the last couple of times she went under anesthesia. Michael and Lovie went straight to the waiting room but I got to walk with Bug until they took her to the next room to prepare for anesthesia.


It's a wierd feeling in that room. You've mentally prepared yourself, you are confident in the surgeon, but you find yourself with this small nervous feeling or something. I started tearing up and telling Bug how strong she is and explaining what will happen and how she'll feel when she wakes up but that I will be right there when she does and that Dr. Yaun and the nurses will take extra good care of her and I give her lots of kisses. Then I compose myself and head to the waiting room.

Once I'm back in the waiting room I'm feeling pretty good again. I know she's in good hands and that the surgeon has done this surgery without complications every time!

About 40 minutes into the waiting I receive a phone call from the nurse letting me know that anesthesia went perfect and Dr. Yaun started 20 minutes and it was going very well and that Dr. Yaun will be in once she's finished to let us know how it goes.

So we wait, and wait, and wait. We see families come in and wait, crying or showing no emotion. We see doctors come in one after another to let families know how their child's surgery went and then the flood of relief on that families face.

Then after 2 hours in the waiting room we see Dr. Yaun coming past the glass wall and as soon as she turns the corner and finds us she starts beaming and our flood of relief begins before she even speaks! And she says that it went perfectly and Rayleigh had the perfect skin and muscles for VNS placement and the leads attached right onto the vagus nerve like they should! She said that they turned the VNS on to do a couple test pulses and it did exactly what it should!

A little bit later a nurse comes and gets me to see her in Recovery. She is still in and out of sleep and very groggy but she's there, my strong baby girl! Only one at a time is allowed in Recovery so I take my time with my Bug then trade spots with Michael so he can see his baby goo, too!

Then they take us to a Step Down area which is just little rooms with curtain doors to stay until they discharge you. We are all allowed in the Step Down room so now Lovie gets to see her, too! We're calling and updating family members and making sure Bug tolerates juice and then they release us around noon.

She did very well the rest of the day at home, still a little groggy but not really sleeping anymore. Then Friday we continued doing Tylenol/Ibuprofen every 3 hours to manage pain but she was doing great! She was moving around and laying on her side and not too fussy. She is so strong.

Dr. Yaun told us we could take the bandages off on Saturday so we did that yesterday afternoon and I was like "Whoa, they cut my kid open!" haha

She should be feeling great for Christmas and then the next week we will see her neuro to activate the VNS and start the pulses very slowly.

Thank you to everyone who thought about, prayed for, and sent well wishes for a successful surgery and quick recovery! We love you all - Bug is blessed to have all of your support :)

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