Bug in Air

Bug in Air

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Cloth Diapering for the Modern Mamas

Rayleigh Bug has been in cloth diapers for about a month now. At 3 months we started her on cloth diapers because that's when babies stop pooping 8 times a day and it's mostly just pee diapers. I had considered cloth diapers when I was pregnant because it keeps diapers out of the land fills and I love being green to the planet. I hadn't really ever thought about it again until a good friend of mine started using them on her little girl and so I got to hear her experience and see them first hand. What really sold me are these 2 simple things: they are more comfortable for Rayleigh and YOU SAVE A TON OF MONEY!!!!

We headed to Green Bambino (a local cloth diaper and organic goods store) to meet Candace, fellow cloth diapering mama, and get our first cloth diapers! We spent $100 and got 3 cloth diaper covers and 8 inserts. We chose to go with Flip! Cloth Diapers. We like that with Flip! you don't have to change the cover every time you change the diaper, only if it gets soiled, too. Also, Flip! is a one-size cloth diaper so you never have to buy a size up as she grows, you just adjust the snaps! We don't use the cloth diapers overnight, we just use her Pampers disposables now and then change to the cloth diapers in the morning.

We change the cloth diaper about 7 times daily. That saves us 49 disposables a week. At least 196 disposables a month. A pack of 180 Pampers diapers for Rayleigh's current size is $42. SO, 2 1/2 months worth of disposables cost the same amount that I spent on cloth diapers and I never have to buy more!!!

Cloth diapering is much easier than I would have suspected! Her wet diapers I just put in a plastic bag and "poopies" I take to the kitchen sink, turn the hot water and use the spray nozzle with pretty high pressure and blast the poopie off and then either ring it out and put it in the plastic bag or set it out in the sun. At the end of the day I wash all the inserts along with the cover(s) she used that day in the washer on hot with the presoak cycle, no softener and throw them in the dryer; line dry the covers. It's super easy and saves lots of money, not to mention its soo environmentally friendly!

In her pink Flip! cloth diaper :)

We love cloth diapering and plan to do it until she's potty trained! If you have any questions or want to check them out just let me know!

1 comment:

  1. Okay... I've been thinking about doing cloth diapers now for a while (with 2 in diapers and everything...) and now I'm even more convinced! I absolutely HATE how many diapers we throw away that just get stuck in a landfill somewhere. Thanks for sharing your blog!!
