Bug in Air

Bug in Air

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Gait Trainers AKA Walkers

Bug has recently been trying new gait trainers. A gait trainer is a bigger version of a baby walker that offers trunk support and weight bearing. Bug borrowed the Rifton Pacer gait trainer for 2 weeks to see if it is the one for us.

This was the first day Bug tried the Rifton. Her eyes are dilated and slightly crossed from the ERG she had done that morning, discussed in a previous post.

Pros on this walker: It hold her in really well, we love the seat that supports her weight, and we really love how easy it is for her to move around.

Cons: It is very big. It takes up a lot of room front to back so she doesn't get to move very far before the long front bars bump into something.

Here's a video we captured of her at the end of her first week borrowing the Rifton. She's mostly bunny-hopping at this point but she's grasping the concept of movement!

Towards the end of the second week borrowing it, she started taking a few real steps!

We're waiting on a rep to get a Kidwalk gait trainer for us to try, we'll let you know what we think of that one compared to the Rifton and which one we'll go with.

There are several out on the market that are available but these are the 2 that are highly recommended by all of Bug's therapists so we'll be trying both of them before making a decision!


  1. It’s always great to see a child being helped by one of our gait trainers. You should be aware, though, that the Pacer you are using in this trial is our old style small Pacer which has a much larger footprint than the new design. Feel free to call 800-571-8198 to find out how much smaller the new design is. Go Bug!

  2. Thank you so much for your comment! I'll see if her physical therapist can get the rep to bring us the new model of the Rifton Pacer to try out!

  3. Nice walker. I like this. Thank for share Krystal. I need one baby walker like this

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thank you so much for your comment! I'll see if her physical therapist can get the rep to bring us the new model of the Rifton Pacer to try out!
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